Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Kelly wrote today about simple pleasures in her life, which got me thinking about what I enjoy in my every day life. Seeing as how it's 10:50pm and Im trying to do NaBloPoMo for both of my blogs this month, I thought, "what the heck? Im already listing them off in my head, might as well post them." But boy was I wrong. The first few were easy and didn't even take any effort to think up, but after 5 or so, I really had to think. Maybe it's time I spend a little more time being grateful for my life.

So the list:

Owen's smile and simple "hi!" when I walk through the door. He's becoming more vocal and affectionate and it just melts my heart!

Hugs from Micah, my oldest. This is a new, rare treat and I can't help but wonder how many more of those Ill get.

Walking into work in the mornings feeling like Im doing something good for both me and for all of those moms Im helping to give a voice to.

Reading a book or watching a movie in bed, alone.

Jamie coming into bed in the middle of the night because he still NEEDS me. I miss waking up to the older two snuggling close to me.

Sit-down family dinners

My weekly women's group

Cuddling in front of the fire with my hunny, watching tv

Jamie's laugh

A clean kitchen

A really good cup of tea

Soft, smooth hair after a good cut

The satisfaction of sewing Bunny, Noah's current favorite stuffed animal. This is actually what I just spent the last 15 minutes doing. Bunny has been sewed so many times, there isn't much left to attach the thread to! Noah just loves him so much though and I know that in the morning his eyes will light up and his heart will swell with love. Just having the privilege to sew this stuffed bunny for my kid is something so simple, yet so amazing to me.

Total time: 16 minutes

this post is linked to the mom's 30 minute blog challenge

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Awesome list!! I love family sit down dinners :)